Feedback and Complaints Policy

This policy was developed to ensure the delivery of quality care at Human Care GP. Meeting patient needs is a priority for our practice, and patient feedback provides valuable insights into their experiences, helping us improve our procedures. The more feedback we receive, the better equipped we are to provide patient-centred care. These policies and procedures comply with the requirements outlined in the RACGP Patient Feedback Guide.


Human Care GP offers patients the opportunity to provide written feedback, which is carefully considered when refining our practices and policies. We encourage feedback through multiple channels:

  • QR Code: A QR code is displayed in the waiting room and at reception to allow patients to submit feedback anonymously.

  • Paper Form: Patients who cannot access the QR code may use a paper feedback form, available at the reception desk.

Staff members welcome feedback as part of our commitment to continuous improvement.


Patients can submit complaints via:

  • The QR code provided in the waiting room.

  • Verbally to a staff member.

At Human Care GP, complaints are handled in a courteous and understanding manner. Staff follow the process below:

  1. Notify the Responsible Staff Member:
    Direct the complaint to the Clinical Manager.

  2. Private Discussion:
    If the complaint is made verbally, offer to speak with the patient privately in another room. Listen carefully and take notes to record key details.

  3. Reassure the Patient:
    Assure the patient that their complaint will be taken seriously.

  4. Document the Complaint:
    Record the complaint in a designated file and place a copy in the patient’s record.

  5. Notify the Treating GP:
    If the complaint involves the treating GP, ensure they are informed.

  6. Acknowledge the Complaint:
    Acknowledge the complaint in writing within two working days, and include a copy in the patient’s record.

  7. Update the Patient:
    Provide regular updates during the investigation to reassure the patient that the matter is being addressed.

  8. Take Action:
    Implement appropriate actions to resolve the situation and notify the patient of the outcome.

  9. Record Contact:
    Maintain a record of all communication with the patient in their file.

  10. Review the Case:
    Hold a practice meeting to review the complaint and determine if future prevention strategies are needed.

Complaint Responses:
All responses to complaints are issued using the practice's complaint letter template.


All feedback and complaints are managed with the utmost confidentiality. Staff involved in feedback or complaint management are required to uphold privacy and patient confidentiality at all times. Staff can refer to Human Care GP’s Privacy Policy for guidance on handling sensitive information.